Polybutylene Pipe Failures

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Polybutylene pipe failures are inevitable and can be costly for homeowners. Most pipes start leaking after a period of nine years. However, the age of the pipe is also a contributing factor to the rate of failure. Whether or not you choose to install a PB pipe in your home is up to you, but you must be proactive to prevent leaks. If you don’t upgrade the piping in your home, it will result in higher homeowners insurance rates and a harder time selling your home.

Polybutylene pipes are not aesthetically appealing, but they do hold water. A polybutylene pipe can be seen near a water heater, extending across an unfinished basement ceiling, and coming out of walls to feed toilets and sinks. They are also found in older homes, including older ones. In some areas, they’re used as copper stub-outs. Often, the polybutylene pipes are installed with copper fittings to match the style of older homes.

Despite their many benefits, polybutylene pipes are not without their risks. The material can develop microscopic leaks or tears and burst at any time. While leaks can be hidden by furniture or sheetrock, a sudden burst can cause extensive damage and cost tens of thousands of dollars. As long as the home’s plumbing system is installed properly, PB pipes should be a no-brainer.

Before you buy a home, make sure it’s free of polybutylene piping. Some homeowners have already been awarded money to replace their plumbing. Thankfully, these lawsuits were not unsuccessful. Some home inspectors may not disclose polybutylene piping to potential buyers. If you have concerns about your waterline, call a plumber or contractor to check it out. You might be surprised to discover that your home has some.

If you suspect that your home has polybutylene piping, you can contact a plumber to inspect it. A licensed plumber can determine the condition of polybutylene piping and suggest the best options for your home. If you suspect that your piping is composed of polybutylene, you should consult a professional to make sure that your plumbing is free of contaminants. It will take several attempts to repair the damage to your pipe, but a plumber will be able to help you.

If you suspect your polybutylene pipe is leaking, be sure to check its directional connections. These pipes are often covered with an escutcheon ring and dirt. In fact, they’re often unnoticeable, but can cause serious problems when exposed to chlorine. Luckily, they’re not as harmful as you might think. If you suspect your pipes are leaking, don’t forget to get them checked immediately. If you’re having leaks, it’s a good idea to replace them right away.

Polybutylene pipe is not transparent, so it’s important to get a plumber to inspect it. Even though the pipes are opaque, they can deteriorate. It’s important to consider your plumbing’s age when assessing the quality of polybutylene pipes. If you suspect your pipes are old, you should consider getting them replaced. A plumber with more experience will be able to identify the source of the leak.

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